Planos de planta

A two-story home painted light blue; there is a wide porch spanning the front of the home, with the front door off to the side. A large window is on the first floor looking out on the porch. Two windows on the front of the home look out from the second floor.

2.5 bath •  3 bedroom •  1,435 sqft

2 bath •  3 bedroom •  1,457 sqft

2 bath •  3 bedroom •  1,624 sqft

2.5 bath •  3 bedroom •  1,624 sqft

3 bath •  3 bedroom •  1,510 sqft

A rendering of a one-story home painted dark purple with white trim. The front porch is accessible via a short walkway and short set of stairs with hand railings on either side. There are two windows on the front of the house.

2 bath •  3 bedroom •  1,366 sqft

2 bath •  2 bedroom •  1,200 sqft

2.5 bath •  3 bedroom •  1,547 sqft

2.5 bath •  3 bedroom •  1,636 sqft

2.5 bath •  3 bedroom •  1,471 sqft

301 Split Level

2 bath •  3 bedroom •  1,484 sqft

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