A Happy Ending for 456 N. 17th Street

CHWC extensively rehabbed this home in the St. Peter’s neighborhood. When we acquired it, it had suffered fire damage after being vacant for a period of time. After undergoing the dramatic transformation you see in this video, 456 N. 17th is now the envy of the neighborhood! Video by Matt Maassel

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Un lugar para florecer

Una búsqueda estresante Hace años, una nueva familia se mudó a una casa en el vecindario de Riverview. Su madre, una CNA y asistente de salud en el hogar, había tenido problemas para encontrar una vivienda de calidad para su familia. “Tenía un vale [de elección de vivienda]”, dice ella. “Estaba viviendo en una habitación conmigo y mis tres hijos, y yo…

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10 Años “En la Esquina”

por Bek Shackelford-Nwaganga; editado por Rebekah Swank Rachel dice que la casa en la que vive es una de las más bonitas de la cuadra. Es fácil ver por qué se siente tan orgullosa: el gran porche envolvente de la casa y las flores de colores brillantes en el frente parecen diseñados para llamar la atención de los transeúntes en la calle adyacente...

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Stronger Together

A man and a woman sitting in a car and smiling.

What do you do when your ability to provide a home for your family is threatened? Jim and his family had to answer this question for themselves. They’re a true Kansas City family. Although they now live in Johnson County, Jim grew up in Kansas City, Kansas. For over 60 years, his mom continued to…

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Building a Foundation

Are you waiting to buy a home because you’re not sure the time is right? Homeownership can be a smart choice for people of all ages, and depending on your situation, it can be really smart to buy when you’re young. Read on to learn why. When Valeria and Jesus got married about a year…

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It Takes a Partnership

CHWC serves a highly diverse population, and it’s our mission to be a resource for the whole community. All of our services are available on a regular basis in English and in Spanish. To help extend the reach of our services, CHWC partners with Catholic Charities each year to teach a homebuyer education class that is translated into…

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A Dream Realized

Buying her dream house once seemed like an unattainable goal. But on December 26, Claudia Flores and her family celebrated their first anniversary as homeowners. If you haven’t read the Flores’ full homeownership story, click here for a recap. Claudia and her husband Eddy had always wanted a home of their own. They especially wanted to provide…

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“I Still Can’t Believe It”

“I still can’t believe it.” Those were some of Karen Marcel’s first words when Claudia Flores and I sat down to talk with her about her new home. Karen moved into the house in mid-June. Since then, it’s evident that she has been busy making it her own. As she greeted us and led us…

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New Home, Old Traditions

The St. Benedict neighborhood is now home to six new residents, and this family couldn’t be happier with their new home. The Rais, a Bhutanese family who immigrated to the US in 2014 from a refugee camp in Nepal, closed on a CHWC-built new home on Thursday, November 29. The Rais’ journey to having a home of…

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Hard Work Pays Off

Saha and his family lived in Nepal for over 20 years before moving to the US in 2012. Saha, his wife and four children lived in an apartment in Kansas City, Kansas before purchasing their home. Like other immigrant families, the Biswas had many questions about the home buying process. Saha turned to his family for…

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